I am a man and 46 years old, wish consulted the condition of me health which drastic downhill latterly. Lately I often experience of the worn-out easy body,
drawn and weary, though my aktifitas nothing that change, but downhill physical condition far. It is true semenjak of[is more or less seven month ago I known
have disease diabetes.
And in experiencing medication is true felt by there is its instalment. But my blood sugar is high still ( 350 mg / 100). My condition this time besides
worn-out easy to body weight also downhill progressively. I request the suggestion and also guide from herbalist can free from this disease and plant herb
what I must consume to utilize the this disease healing.
For fomentation from my friend, I also drink the water of sambiloto. But sometimes after drinking it my stomach become queasy. What good to I consume. For
answer thanks a lot. [Chandria Amri]
Diabetes Disease basically represent the disease of metabolism disparity because product decrease the functioning insulin to break or decompose the sugar in
blood. Effect of decreasing nya of insulin productivity yielded by this kelenjer pancreas in body happened by the make-up of rate of blood sugar, so that
sugar will be released by urine.
This cause incidence of feeling to starve for and loss a lot of body weight by abundant calorie in body accompanied with the sigh like often feel hungry,
drawn and also urine with the abundant frequency. diabetes Or diabetes mellitus is disease which basically not be dangerous so but which exactly frightened
if experiencing of long-range complicated.
This disease can generate various dissimilar disease, like heart sickness, high blood, and trouble of kidney and also damage of nerve and retina eye.
Basically, this diabetes mellitus downhill in character and complex. The condition result all sugar ( in the form of glucose) consumed the body cannot be
processed finely, so that sugar rate in blood will mount.
Sugar covering polisakarida, oligosakarida, disakarida, and monosakarida represent the source energi supporting all activity. All this sugar will be
processed to become the energy with the existence of insulin. Concerning circumstance which natural father now where sugar in high blood often this resulted
from several things, like not regular and uneven diet pattern, take a rest which less and also the lack of aktifitas sport and assorted other cause.
Discipline in taking care of incoming sugar rate in body represent one alternative utilize to lessen the the disease spreading. For that, needed prevention
of incidence complicated by altering wrong way of living, like way of living westernizing by becoming healthier way of living and avoid to consume the food
or beverage representing abstention.
On the contrary in suggesting to consume the pregnant food lower the calorie so that sugar rate in normal to blood quickly return like umbi-umbian etcetera.
For the medication of this disease usually Herbalist does some therapy in inspection so that more known until where damage which resulted from a the disease
so tha drug job given or consumed will be more perfect. Some type of drug crop having khasiat as vitamin anti flogistika ( anti chafing), astringen,
stimulant ( drug for the refresher of) what is in the khasiat drug there are content of oil tanin.
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