Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sensitive Husk Chemical


Doctor, my baby newly old age one month;moon. Some few days ago, I bring my child to doctor to immunize. After doctor check, then doctor suggest that my

child there is no need to use powder. What will not arise the problem not give the powder baby? For doctor answer, I render thanks the.[Ester]

Thanks for question. such in fact the doctor prohibiting chemical Iihat vitamin gift baby husk Baby husk, and surely baby have very babyish age young mother

in fact very smooth, very sensitive and baby husk give the odorous aroma, more odorous from powder which fragrant. Because mentioned, hence chemicals gift

like powder, baby oil, oil telon can invite the side effects compared to its benefit

Side effects arising out can be in the form of to itch the, squeezing and iritasi. After baby have three-month age to for newly can be considered a gift

operate on. That way, useful hopefully.

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