From medical inspection result which I experience discovered the existence of cyst area in womb. The cyst estimated to have diameter 6 cms, and reside in the
ovary. I oftentimes experience of the feeling is not delicious in stomach area. Is often lost time to menstruate and ill and pain in bone before and moment
menstruate. This is true have been happened during adolescent first.
What I ask the first, what its cause from the disease and why if coitus, I often feel the pain and pain in bone.
Second, I can get the clan. Have our three year marry, but not yet obtained the clan.
Third, how to solve with the herb ingredient
Just that way my question, and for answer thanks a lot. [Hanny]
Cyst represent one of disease which often met at woman. Cyst is tumor comprising dilution or semi dilution which can have the character of tame and raise
hell the. Pembengkakan of effect of heaping and pengumpalan from the dilution can arise wherever from body organ. But a more regular met by the cyst groan
the femininity organ like bosom, organ reproduce from womb, gracious neck, and ovary. A couple of ovary stay in the flank cavity, onebgracious side.
Incidence of cyst in ovary area usually often distrub fluency from cycle menstruate. making patient often feel the sigh of pain in bone flank, back ache and
stomach before menstrual moment and menstruation. If its bump is bigger can be groped by stomach wall. Sometimes patient also feel the pain in bone and
moment pain correlate intimate. Pain felt will be felt more super again if the cyst poke break.
In the situation this ill usually stomach area will be felt more super accompanied with its exit dilution from privy parts ( vagina).
In a state of this disease weight can become more ferocious and can the spreading to gracious neck area and about womb. Others bump from the cyst also become
the failure cause from process of ovulasi of egg cell so that complicate the patient to get the clan whilst the cyst still reside in the gracious area
especially ovary area.
The same as cancercously and other tumor, the root cause incidence of unknown cyst surely. Woman which experiencing therapy of sulih hormone, and also those
who like to consume the food conserved and grog own the risk incured by this disease.
There are some drug crop knew can overcome the cyst, especially ovary cyst. From some crop medicinize this there are khasiat as poison cleaner (
detoksikasi), launching blood, killing parasite, minimizing bump ( detumescen), antiflogistik and corrosive and pursue the tumor cell ( antineoplasma) shall
be as follows :
- Grass the Pearl ( Hedyotis Corymbosa = 20 gram - Jombang ( Taraxacum Officinale = 20 gram - Fruit Makasar ( Brucea Javanica = 10 seed - White Meeting (
Curucuma Zedoaria = 50 fresh gram - Fennel ( Feonoculum Vulgare = 5 dry gram
All substance [in] washing out, unite all substance medicinize mentioned in belanga and braised by 4 [is] glass irrigate [is] till remained to become 2
glass irrigate. Making cool the water rebusan drug and [in] filtering. Drink 2 times one day, one glass of moment morning develop;build the sleep, and one
nighttime glass [of] before sleep. Going on usage medicinize this during 30 day. Henceforth please visit the herbalis. Thank.
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