At this opportunity, I wish consulted to hit the disease problems faced by my son. In this time its age enter 28 year. Like this package, three-month ago
sudden without clear cause [of] my child experience of the spastic later;then faint. Whole part of its body swell the seprti of berrys people, its body
temperature is high.
In hospital treatment, swelling which is in the form of the dilution have started normal return But condition lainya not yet baik. This time often grip
queasy, and vomit the, body and its head felt [is] heavy. Than medical inspection result at that time [in] knowing that my child the experience of the
trouble at its kidney function is which can menace its soul, one of its kidney do not function again, while the other one again its function omit about 30-40
gratuity again.
For the shake of continuity of life henceforth conducted action by a blood wash, what perhaps also to further we have to the money a lot of. For that we ask
the clarification concerning natural pain my son, what there with the food and beverage and others. And herb ingredien what can cure. We very hoping Mr. will
give the aid.
For all attention, I say thousands of thank. [Dina Angryaini]
Kidney or often referred a kidney have the role in the effort maintaining system of body balance ( functioning Homeotasis) select the compound [of] result of
body metabolism selective body dilution which melewati kidney. This screening by kidney shares of[is so-called by nefron. Later;Then result of from
metabolism which still function and good for this re-conducted into sirkulasi body of [through/passing] blood stream.
While rest of metabolism which not needed to be thrown body with urine water. [At] kidney in body estimated there are one million unit nefron consisted of
the blood network so-called by glomerulus wrapped by one cell coat / ferrule bowman.
Each cell contacted by channel which have estuary at ureter Blood going to kidney will enter to reach the later gromerulus experience of the screening
process re-conducted [through/ passing] adjacent small pipe closedly venously capillary. Fail the kidney represent the sudden disease is which usually have
the character of remain to ( permanent) existing organ in kidney.
This circumstance referred chronic glomerulonefritis or fail the chronic kidney Others there is also referred to fail the acute kidney ( Acute
Glomerulonefritis) that happened hamper all glomerulus at second of heavy damage kidney. In the situation this process the ultrafiltrasi become very
decreasing even come to a full stop resulting process irrigate the urine decrease even come to a full stop the. degradation of Ability filtrasi in kidney
organ affect serious degradation of ability of expenditure of body dilution kidney resulting the increasing of full scale dilution in body and poison heaping
( toksis) in body especially in blood.
The annoying of this kidney function oblige the patient conduct action to clean the blood outside body. Of course this blood wash cost money very big even
process the this blood wash have to continue by kontinu as long as patient life, what perhaps [release] the expense which by dozens. The annoying of this
kidney function is true there with the pattern problem eat and drink the somebody, especially food and beverage which not hygenis, containing a lot of
bacterium and germ.
Pattern eat with the westernizing which is a lot of containing chemical Iihat vitamin have, high cholesterol, beverage which pregnant high carbonate gas,
alcohol, and also also ordinary somebody habit consume the chemical antibiotic and medicines compound sintesis in old meter also can result annoying of
kidney function in body traditionally especially according to discipline of science herbalism, disease annoying of kidney function and also dissimilar
effect, of course can be dosed with the way of utilizing herb ingredient by in phases and kontinyu and also hence herb variant which must be adapted for
condition of patient body utilize discovered the healing naturally and bring back the health proportional condition There are some drug plant having effect
as anti inflammation, depurative diuretic and break the cork in worthwhile blood to repair and bring back the ill kidney function shall be as follows:
Carrot Leaf ( Daucus Carota = 50 gram
Husk and Grow on the Murbai ( Morus Alba = 20 gram
Grow on the Rheumatism ( Plumbago Zeylanica = 10 gram
Bread-Fruit Leaf ( Artocarpus Comunis syn = 5 sheet
Grow on the Ilalang ( Inperata Cylindica = 10 gram
All substance washed out, then braised with the water as much 1,5 litre till become + 1 litre. Filter the ingredient medicinize beforehand and drink 2
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