I am a enterprenuer owning solid fair to middling activity, all day long the full me beyond house, making me seldom take a rest. In this time I old age 36
year have have family. Latterly I return often lost time to eat, as a result yes my magh, recurrence, stomach felt pain once, and often defecate to the blood
which is a lot of.
First time still my college also often lost time to eat and have felt the symptom maag, but not as hard as like this time. In this time I have checked the
x'self to doctor and according to doctor, my disease chronic maag become the ulcer bounce up, and spelled out members have hard. To date I always consume the
drug given by my doctor, but I also interested to consume the plant herba utilize to overcome my disease this, from that I request the my pathological
clarification herbalist and plant herba [of] what I can consume.
For my clarification Herbalist say thousands of thank you. [Andy]
DISEASE Maag because of some factor, like eating not regular, unstable psychological ( stress) and assorted [of] other cause. Maag is true a lot of because
of cause psikomatik, like incidence feeling queasy, perih and do not want to eat. This disease a lot of meeting [at] one who stir.
Because somebody workdload result often lost time to eat the, diperparah again psychologically unstable because work, family etcetera).
Disease that happened you is true have been pertained acute maag ( chronic), this because of habit [of] during kuliah, and now which is because workdload,
and also the other;dissimilar matter. Often lost time to eat and also mind resulting acid bounce up in stomach become to mount. Make the pain of maag
somebody going worse. Hence disease maag which you experience of have been pertained serious what named with the ulcer bounce up the Ulcer bounce up a name
which stomach for the disease patient a lot hurt have happened the infection.
Level from ulcer bounce up happened the attenuating and also ruination from stomach and also intestine and other unsure-unsur digestion. Generally, damage
from this stomach accompanied the rather fresh keluanya blood jell anus Effect infection bounce up and the intestine also cause the other;dissimilar organ
patient body also follow annoyed, like liver, heart, kidney and others as. Because work function stomach which is not maximal, and because stomach acid
expanding a lot of and also bring the germ, virus disseminating.
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