Dear Sirs, I aspire after to read the Natural Medication Consultancy rubric ( Herbal) [of] [at] Newspaper of Batam Post which is Mr. mothering
good Herbalis, I have an affair with the blood pressure. According to final inspection by doctor, my high blood pressure reach 180 / 90 mmHg, If decreasing
only reach 160 / 90 mmHg. this high Blood disease [is] I have been long enough experience of ( more or less 3 year), but [do] not give the symptom meaning,
only once in a while I feel dizzy, and have become the commonplace.
But becoming problem that is, this semenjak 4 months I experience of the sleepless, as a result body weight become to decrease, drawn. Even I have ever
cannot sleep during 5 day. I consultancy with the nerve doctor, [is] given by the tranquilizer
After I take medicine the then I can sleep, but cannot be well-sleep. I also have to Psikiater, but altogether not many assisting. What I wish to ask shall
be as follows 1. Why my blood pressure cannot be normal, though I always consume the drug given by doctor, and avoid the food resulting the happening of
hypertension 2. Whether/What problem cannot sleep this there is its relation with the ill defined hypertension of its symptom 3. Why latterly my chest often
palpitate, whether/what my heart also there is problem. Though from medical result pemeriksaaan, doctor spell out members my heart is healthy
For that I request the guide from Mr. how to to cure the disease which I suffer this. Help the me Package. For liberality, and also aid which is Mr. गिविंगme render thanks the. [Retno – Retno@Hotmail.Com]
High Blood or so-called Hypertension is a disease which is a lot of met the. Difficult cause surely found by because a lot of matter influencing. Only about
20 percentage of high blood patient knew by its cause its Symptom cause is clearer, namely Because especial disparity at important organ in body of like
kidney, thyroid kelenjer, kelenjer pancreas, and tumor of kelenjer of kidney child. Ill defined cause, there is ascription a lot of factor which partake to
influence the happening of high blood pressure.
That factors for example abundant body weight, abundant komsumsi salt, cholesterol rate in higher level blood and so do sugar rate. Also which partake the
sharing blood pressure, age, and frequency. This factors interact far before high blood symptom.
Might possibly during that have taken its rise the damage of important organ vein in heart, brain or part of other body. Become a lot of cause and also
penyulit which mengakibabkan [of] the happening of the hypertension.
To heal the chronical and chronic hypertension suffered a somebody, for that have to be known by the especial actor from its cause, can be a correct
medication. high Blood disease [is] which natural mother according to me have mount the important organ damage in body, like the happening of damage and
gagging of veins in brain and also heart resulting nerve led to become the strained.
This result the mother of sleepless Goddess ( Heavy insomnia). Usage of medicines of compound an-organik ( chemiccal) within old ones also have the bad side
effects for body organ and also follow the sharing the happening of damage of the vein above inclusive of kidney and liver, and venous heart making heart
often palpitate because blood distribution from and to heart become uneven.
For the getting over of disease which natural mother according to herbalis must be done inspection from its primary factor and also as a result, then a
medication by herb ingredient correctly.
For the penanggulangan of whereas from disease which mother suffer by the have athletics regularly, keep away the food resulting blood pressure come high,
labouring to take care of the body condition remain to be optimal ( although cannot sleep better) by a lot of drinking carrot juice, bengkoang, tomato,
cucumber. And also often drink the water of rebusan of bean ijo with the soy.
Some herb ingredient which consumption mother can having khasiat as antiradang, blood cleaner ( depuratif), sedatif, hipoglikemik, and also break the cork in
blood shall be as follows - Celery ( Apium Graveolens L.) 300 gram - Catkin ( Orthosiphon Spicatus B.B.S) 100 gram - Leaf Putri Lose face the ( mimosa of
pudica L.) 100 gram - Leaf Tread the Virgin ( Catharanthus Roseus [ L]G.Don) 200 grams.
All drug ingredient washed out [is] later;then braised with the water 4 litre cook to become the more or less 2 litre. Place the rebusan don't be closed and
wear the made belanga pan or from enamel substance to braise [it]. Drink the the water rebusan drug 3 times one day in a state of tepid before eating
The above is true answer from me hopefully mother understand. Thank you.