Sunday, May 10, 2009
How Can You Know Which Allergy Medicine Is Best?
The answer to this question is not a simple one. First, it will be helpful to explore the main type of medicine used to treat allergies, which is an antihistamine. An antihistamine is a drug that blocks a receptor for histamine. Histamine is a chemical in your body that over-reacts to certain triggers, or allergens, such as pollen, mold, dust mites or pet dander and produces allergy symptoms. These symptoms can include sneezing, nasal stuffiness, sniffling, and itching. So, antihistamines help relieve or prevent those symptoms.
Let's look closer at the different choices you have for allergy medication:
* First-generation antihistamines. These are the original medicines developed to treat allergy symptoms and are available over the counter. These medications are generally effective, but have some bothersome side effects, especially drowsiness, which makes it difficult to take them on a regular basis. Examples are Benadryl and Chlortrimeton.
* Second-generation antihistmines. These medicines don't cause the same level of drowsiness as their predecessors, though some of them can still cause mild sedation in some people. However, they are all highly effective and can be taken on a regular basis with very few side effects. They also come in long-lasting versions, so you only need to take them once a day. Examples are Allegra, Zyrtec, and Claritin. Claritin has been sold over the counter for a couple of years, and also has a number of generic versions (loratidine).
* Leukotriene modifiers. Singulair falls into this category and it is used for both allergies and asthma. It blocks leukotrienes, another body chemical that is involved in the allergic response.
* Homeopathic medicines. This is an alternative treatment for allergies, whereby you take tiny amounts of allergens by mouth to slowly de-sensitize you over time to allergens (it's also known as sublingual immunotherapy).
So, which of these treatments are best for you?
Since the arrival of the second-generation, non-sedating antihistamines a decade or more ago, the first-generation drugs have fallen out of favor. Why take something that causes such bothersome side effects when you can take something just as effective that doesn't? Probably the main reason why anyone would take one of them now is the fact that you can buy them without a doctor's prescription and that they don't usually cost as much.
The jury is still out on whether homeopathic medicines are actually effective, though some people swear by them. They are definitely not proven through reliable research, however.
So, that leaves the second-generation antihistamines as the most common choice for treating allergies today. But among those, which is best? There are studies proving the effectiveness of one over the other in regards to various criteria, including length of action, quickness of action and level of relief. However, most of these studies were sponsored by the drug companies that make the medicines, so you have to look at those results with some caution and skepticism.
Drug Detox Treatment
The nature and severity of withdrawal mainly depends on the nature and level of dependency of the drug used. An ideal drug detox center needs to include all the aspects of the withdrawal. The people who use alcohol, cocaine and other prescription medicines need to take the drug detox courses regularly. Most of the detox center usually provides the therapy and counseling with their detox program.
There are different kinds of drug detox treatment such as cocaine detox, crack detox, marijuana detox, ecstasy detox, heroin detox and methamphetamine detox. Inpatient and outpatient treatments are the two main treatments for the drugs detox.
In the inpatient treatment, the drug detox center gives 24 hours of support in a day. The new surroundings of the inpatient treatments usually help the patient to lead a drug free life. Usually hospitals are used for the inpatient treatments. Some times residences are used for these treatments. These residential inpatient treatments are conducted in residential surroundings with the complete supervision.
Inpatient drug detox treatments can be conducted for both short-term and long-term periods. Often the inpatient treatments are conducted for some short period such as for thirty days whereas the long-term inpatient treatment usually lasts for many months or some times up to one year. Short-term inpatient treatments usually consist of medical stabilization, lifestyle changes and abstinence from drugs.
Because of the level of support provided, inpatient treatments are recommended for those who are severely addicted to drugs. Once out of inpatient care, outpatient treatments for regular checkups and care are also recommended for follow-ups.
If there are any residues remained in the body, it will grow and lead to cravings. Hence drug detox centers have to ensure the complete purification from the drugs. The drug residues usually remain in the fatty tissues of the body. These residues may be passed to the blood many years after the individual has stopped the taking of drugs.
Drug residues also cause the desire for more drugs. Hence the complete elimination of drugs is very important in the drugs detox. This is usually achieved through the regular exercises, sauna and nutritional supplements. The residues of drugs such as LSD, phencyclidine, cocaine, manjuana and diazepam are mainly accumulated in the body. These compounds are usually found in long term and hard core drug users.
The first step for a successful drug detox treatment program is to make the patient to understand about the seriousness of the treatment. The patients need to prepare themselves to keep away from the drugs. The selection of an ideal drug detox center is also important for the success of drugs detox treatment. Since drug detox treatment causes withdrawal, patients need to have a highly supportive environment for success of their cleansing programs.
Drug Rehab Center
The drug rehabilitation center at Cliffside Malibu offers state of the art clinical treatment components and addiction recovery activities within a comfortable and supportive environment. Once residents are accepted to the drug rehab center, they are detoxed (if necessary), and then assigned to a primary therapist. This therapist manages the resident’s care during the entire course of their treatment, ensuring that the resident’s needs are being met and tailoring treatment to their circumstances. Each patient at Cliffside Malibu participates in a clinical program that has been designed specifically for him or her, and will include individual therapy, cognitive-behavioral groups, process groups and a family program. Any group sessions are typically conducted onsite, but transportation is provided should it be deemed appropriate to hold a group session within the community. In addition to clinical programs, Cliffside Malibu offers a wide range of activities to support patient recovery, including experiential groups, yoga and outdoor activities. Residents at the Cliffside Malibu drug rehab center always enjoy a luxurious and relaxing stay, with beautiful premises, gourmet meals, laundry service, Internet access, scheduling of appointments, transportation and special requests (where appropriate) all included as part of their treatment.
Drug Rehab Program Goals and Objectives
Take the time to evaluate each resident individually to determine which treatments are appropriate for his or her situation.
- Where necessary, detox affect residents.
- Further evaluation of each resident to identify substance use disorders and any co-occurring (dual diagnosis) disorders.
- Based on the results of the evaluations, each patient is presented with an individual drug rehabilitation plan, designed to meet their specific needs to maximize the potential for success while ensuring that their stay is as comfortable as possible.
- Provide supporting treatment for residents’ families through our three-day family program.
- Develop an aftercare plan that supports the program’s philosophies and objectives, while taking into account the patient’s needs.
The Importance of Comfort
Reading through the information about our treatment programs, you’ll notice that the word “comfort” appears frequently. There’s a reason for this. It’s an unavoidable fact that some aspects of drug or alcohol rehab can be decidedly unpleasant, or uncomfortable. Recognizing this, Cliffside Malibu has gone to great lengths to make everything else about a patient’s stay as comfortable as possible. Residents of the drug and alcohol rehab center are there to be treated for their addictions, not to be punished for their addictions; they are treated with the respect that they deserve and enjoy the luxuries that help make treatment a positive experience. We know that a little comfort goes a long way on the path to recovery, so Cliffside Malibu offers residents a wide range of recreational activities (such as hiking and beach walks), the best in food, as well as lavish spa treatments such as facials, manicures and pedicures.
Cliffside Malibu has counselors waiting to help you or your loved one overcome your addiction.
Call us toll free, 24 hours a day: 800-501-1988.
Holistic Drug Rehab Center

The Holistic Addiction Treatment Drug Rehab Center offers a unique approach to addiction recovery at an affordable price. We feel that by maintaining a reasonable fee for services combined with the best quality care, we will be able to reach those who would not ordinarily be able to afford this level of treatment. Our approach to addiction treatment and alcohol treatment is three fold, encompassing the clients physiological, emotional and spiritual needs. We are a client centered facility based on respect and compassion. At our holistic drug rehab center, each problem area is individually addressed, offering a wide range of therapeutic interventions to help each client achieve their specific goals.
Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Team deals not only with drug and alcohol abuse, but with the under-lying issues that are the contributing factors to this insidious disease, including dual diagnosis treatment. The Holistic foundation is built upon the 12 step recovery program. We treat the individual as a whole; mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Our holistic drug rehab program is tailored to meet the individual's specific needs by treating the person as well as their families. All this is accomplished in a loving and caring professional manner which we feel is the hallmark of quality treatment. Those who are addicted can and do recover. Holistic counseling helps continue the process, offering a one year aftercare program that provides a support system, with a focus on a relapse prevention plan and problem solving. Making a difference is our priority and goal.
Call toll free 24 hours a day, seven days a week and get help for yourself or a loved one before it's too late. We can help break the chain of addiction! If you have any questions regarding our services please feel at ease to contact us. We are here to help.